I have extensive experience of presenting and of running workshops and thoroughly enjoy connecting with people in this way – an author’s life can be isolated at times.
I am a member of the Live Literature Database, and my attendance at events in Scotland can be subsidised by the Scottish Book Trust. For local groups, and especially voluntary groups, I will speak if my mileage is reimbursed. I am also available to speak via Zoom.
Recent speaking engagements have included the U3A, Edinburgh Literary Salon and Book Groups. I am happy to tailor workshops and presentations to the group’s requirements. Topics recently have having included the Writing and Editing Process, My Author Journey, Research for Writing Historical Fiction, and Self Publishing.
To discuss further please do contact me either via my contact page or at vicki@vehmasters.com
Online Launch of The Familists
Online launch of The Conversos
Courier Newspaper feature discussing The Conversos
Article in The Courier discussing The Conversos and how I never planned to write a sequel – which I didn’t!

Barbara Hammond Trophy
I joined the Scottish Association of Writers online Conference and listened with particular interest to the videos announcing their prize winners. I was delighted to be one of them…
Brilliant Article in ‘The Courier’
Loved the online launch party…
Great chat, fun and 3D reconstruction of St Andrews
Courier Article
Very flattered to be asked to contribute to an article in The Courier about Sir Walter Scott – whose 250th anniversary it is. Incredible really that he was once so famous that the second largest memorial to a writer in the world was erected in his memory in Edinburgh, and yet now he’s hardly read.

Delighted to have a review of my book feature in the Historical Novel Review Magazine
‘… soon enough, Ms. Masters had me hooked. Not only is the historical setting excellently depicted, be it descriptions of interiors or of the political complexities of the time, but she presents us with two endearing teenagers. Will is devout and believes he is doing his bit to drive through reform. Bethia, realistically restricted by her gender, is caught between fear for her brother and anger at him for putting them all at risk, especially as she is the bargaining chip her father uses to safeguard his position by arranging a marriage she definitely does not want.‘ Anna Belfrage
V E H Masters… vicki@vehmasters.com